We are excited to continue with the next lesson in our series of Diversity & Inclusion recordings, part of the Gallery’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive staff and volunteer community. This informal session takes the format of a discussion between Wanda Nanibush, and Dr. Duke Redbird.
Session #3: Anishinaabe Philosophy and Land
This learning session features Wanda Nanibush, Curator, Indigenous Art, in conversation with Dr. Duke Redbird, Ojibway Shaman/Elder and Wisdom Keeper, Indigenous intellectual, poet, painter, broadcaster, film maker and keynote speaker
AGENDA/ what to expect:
- Land Acknowledgement by Julian Cox, Deputy Director & Chief Curator
- Introduction by Stephan Jost, Director & CEO
- Facilitator Introductions and Opening Ceremony by Jessica Bright, AGO IDEA Group (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access), and Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
- Presentation by Wanda Nanibush, Curator, Indigenous Art & Dr. Duke Redbird, Ojibway Shaman/Elder and Wisdom Keeper, Indigenous intellectual, poet, painter, broadcaster, filmmaker and keynote speaker
- Wrap-up by Jessica Bright
How to Access this Recording:
- Please click on this link:
- https://zoom.us/rec/share/BC72CFk79aWNo8i2lk-ggfkgsfKytRYoe38Ma3hDm0KUSKn_9A9facwqBoLejcQE.8Zt4t3CTmJJWp_0v
- You will be asked to enter your name and email to gain access to the recording (you will not be asked to enter a password this time)
- The recording will begin (there is a slight delay at the start of this recording – the video actually begins about 1 minute in)
Things to Keep in Mind:
- These videos are pre-recorded webinars, not live.
- You may experience disruptions in the videos. Please be patient – you may be asked to log in again if your viewing is disrupted
- If you need more support, please reach out to [email protected]
- Keep a list of questions/reflections you’d like to share in one of our Volunteer Connector calls – these sessions are your opportunity to discuss and share what you’ve learned.
Related Readings – Here’s a Resource List to Learn More About the Ideas and Issues introduced in this recording:
AGO Video: Picturing the Americas with artist, writer, and curator Rick Hill Artist, writer and curator, Rick Hill, discusses the intersection of Indigenous and Western knowledge and how treaties were developed based on an Indigenous philosophy of conservation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sp0aR7UHdI
On Being Included: Unintentional Inclusion and Indigenous Art https://www.artpractical.com/feature/unintentional-inclusion-and-indigenous-art/
AGO interview and video: Anishinaabe artist Michael Belmore speaks about two new works in his self-titled exhibition, recently on view at the Gallery https://ago.ca/agoinsider/belmore-ago
Questions/ Ideas? Would You Like to Talk More About What You’ve Learned? Join our AGO Volunteers Connector Call: Wednesday May 26, 5-6:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 2223 0432
Passcode: 218472
(a reminder: you can’t pre-register for this discussion. Simply log on at 5:00pm on Wednesday May 26 to join!)
This call is an opportunity for you to discuss and share what you’ve learned with other volunteers. Our focus is to create a positive space, to encourage bold and brave conversation, and to talk and grow together. We’ll be incorporating break out rooms into our discussion, so folks have the opportunity to delve into deeper conversations with one another, in smaller groups.
To prepare for this call, we encourage you to consider the following questions:
- What stood out to you about this session?
- What is something that you learned that you didn’t know before?
- Last year, the Curatorial team renamed works from the AGO’s Collection (with First Nations subject matter) as part of a broader effort to eliminate culturally insensitive language from titles in our collection. Has Wanda and Duke’s conversation given you more to think about in this regard?
Thank you for joining the discussion! We look forward to seeing you there!