AGO X RBC Emerging Artists Exchange

Artist in Residence Ness Lee, working in the AGO studio, Residency October 2019 - January 2020
Artist in Residence Ness Lee, working in the AGO studio, Residency October 2019 – January 2020

Exciting news! The AGO is launching a paid mentorship program enabling three emerging artists to pursue research, over a six-week period, into museum practices, audience engagement, or the AGO Collection. With the support of mentors from across the gallery, each selected artist will further their work with the aim of presenting their findings to the various teams at the AGO. This call is open to emerging artists working in any media.

This open call welcomes research proposals that explore our audiences, challenge the museum field, or engage with the content and programming of the AGO. Experimentation is encouraged and these proposals could examine any area at the Gallery, including but not limited to: Conservation, Collections, Curatorial, Education & Programming, Library & Archives, Food & Beverage, and Visitor Experience. 

The AGO X RBC Emerging Artists Exchange encourages submissions from populations who have not been equitably represented in museums, including Black, Indigenous, artists of colour, LGBTQ2+, women and persons with disabilities.

Deadline for submissions: May 10, 2021 at 5 pm EST
Each selected artist will complete a six-week research mentorship between June and September 2021.

READ all about it (eligibility, how to apply, FAQs, etc.) HERE