Hello Everyone,
We are in the second month of 2021. There is more sunlight every day. In a couple more months, it will be spring. Day by day, month by month, we are getting closer to brighter, more hopeful days.
On Wednesday, I shared our upcoming exhibition schedule at the Board of Trustees meeting. There is a lot of excitement about shows like Warhol, Fragments of Epic Memory and Picasso to lift spirits and help the AGO lead the recovery in the cultural sector. It was also reported that the AGO remains on track to achieve a balanced budget by the end of March. Thank you to everyone for your focus on achieving financial equilibrium, one of our key institutional values.
This week’s D & I resource, provided by Curator of Indigenous Art, Wanda Nanibush, focuses on the purpose and significance of territorial acknowledgement including the Dish with One Spoon Wampum: https://facingcanada.facinghistory.org/the-dish-with-one-spoon-wampum. Please take a few moments to read and watch the video.
While closed, there is amazing Studio 54 programming available online. I am particularly excited about an upcoming talk on “Studio 54 on the Art of Fashion” featuring my friend André Leon Tally in conversation with Designer Diane von Furstenberg (February 9, 7pm via Zoom). André is an incredibly insightful and intelligent person with deep knowledge and passion for art history. He is a trailblazer. Some of you will remember when he spoke at the AGO in person two years ago. I look forward to welcoming André back, albiet online, next week. Here is the link in case you are interested in listening to the discussion: https://ago.ca/events/studio-54-and-art-fashion.
February is Black History Month. Hope you will find a way to celebrate and learn more about Black communities in this month and beyond. Next week we will share what we are doing to support these important conversations.
Take care,