CO-VID 19 Update from the Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

As many of you have likely heard, yesterday Premier Ford declared a provincial state of emergency as well as additional measures aimed at addressing the spread of COVID-19. The intent is to get COVID numbers down so that our healthcare system and hospitals are not overwhelmed.

Leadership Team is looking into the details of how this will impact our situation at the AGO, if at all. We have taken many steps in recent weeks to accommodate the lockdown in our city and there is minimal activity currently happening on-site. We will communicate with everyone again later today regarding the stay-at-home order effective at 12:01am tomorrow. The situation is evolving and could shift quickly, depending on how the COVID numbers grow.

In the meantime, the AGO remains a very safe environment for those who are on-site. My priority above all is the health and safety and each of you.

I will be in touch again later today.
