AGO Volunteers Connector Series – skips a week, back August 12 (with Stephan!)

We’ll be connecting with Stephan on Zoom (here’s Stephan in conversation with Gaetane Verna, Director of The Power Plant, back in May)

Hello Everyone,

We’re taking a break this week from our Volunteer Connectors series, but we are back next week (Wednesday August 12, 5pm) with a bang! – Join us for an exclusive volunteer-led talk with our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost!

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Stephan and we’re so excited for him to join us to reflect on this time. With that in mind, we’re asking for your questions. Please send your questions to [email protected] or Volunteer President, [email protected] – we’ll compile a list and use these to guide our conversation. Please submit your questions by Sunday August 10.

And a reminder: PLEASE DON’T LOG ON TO THE VOLUNTEERS CONNECTOR LINK this week – our Wednesday August 5 meeting is cancelled – we have a conflict during that time and by trying to log on, you may disrupt another call.

THANK YOU and we’ll see you on the 12th! (As always we’ll send an updated link and reminder just before our session)

Also upcoming: Wednesday August 19, 5pm – Volunteer Mindfulness with Volunteer Council member Barbara Glaser and Gallery Guide Anne Hart