Hello Everyone,
So I know that the last months have been intense. We have had a global health pandemic compounded by a global financial crisis and a global movement for social justice. I know this is a marathon but what I don’t know is if we are in mile 2 or mile 20. That said this past week has been exhilarating seeing us reopen. It’s been exciting to welcome visitors and staff back to the AGO and watching people reconnect through art. Thanks again to everyone who had a role in making this a huge success. The highlight is chatting with staff who are back at work and sharing their COVID-19 quarantine stories … the short version of most of the stories is “darn that was hard and I am glad to be back!”
As more staff members return to work at the gallery, please check in with your manager/LT member to ensure that you are familiar with the current health and safety protocols for entering the building. I got busted on Wednesday when I absentmindedly walked out of my office without a mask! It is important that we all help one another follow the rules. Help us keep you and our visitors and staff safe. Also a reminder that staff can enjoy complimentary coffee and tea in the Staff Coffee Bar at Café AGO from Thursday to Sunday from 9 am to 3 pm.
For this week’s anti-racist reading I am sharing a link that Julie Crooks shared with the IDEA group earlier this week. The big takeaway for me is that to move forward, everyone needs to be uncomfortable and accountable, and that is how genuine change is made. Read the article – I am sure the world of art museums is not all that different from the world of television production.
Prentice Penny Calls Out Hollywood’s Blackface Whitewash & Sliding Scale, And Offers Plan For True Change (Deadline) https://deadline.com/2020/07/prentice-penny-hollywood-blackface-commentary-diversity-plan-guest-column-1202978040/
Have a great weekend everyone,