Dispatches from the Gallery – Visitor Experience Managers’ Update

Hello everybody!

We have officially opened our doors to our Members, Pass holders, and a small crew of staff.  We were also open for staff and volunteer preview days. The feedback from everyone has been overwhelmingly positive. People are so happy to be back in the gallery to enjoy the collection and create a sense of normalcy in their lives! Most people were relieved to see all the safety measures that were in place so they could relax and enjoy one of their favourite places in the city. I have included a sweet video link here that the gallery created (with the help of some tortoises from the Toronto Zoo) that helps give visitors a peek into what they will experience at the gallery. Enjoy!

Finally, in light of our team’s reduced work week and the fact that we are now back on site, we will be moving towards a biweekly newsletter over the summer.

Now that we are back in the building, we are excited to tell you all about it. We encourage you to continue to share your questions and feedback! 

Please read on!

Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

Did you recently visit the gallery when we re-opened? We would love to hear your feedback! Please email your feedback to [email protected]

  • Any works that resonated with you?
  • Any spaces you felt excited to be back in?
  • How did you find the safety measures?
  • Is there anything you would change?

AGO From Home

The AGO hosted another AGO from Home event on Thursday. Stephan interviewed Stephanie Stebich, Director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC. Here are some highlights from the discussion: 

  • The Smithsonian is aiming to open for Labour Day!
  • The Smithsonian is the world’s largest museum and research complex, which is comprised of 19 museums most of which are in the nation’s capital and two are in NYC
  • The Smithsonian is in two historic landmark buildings that cover 2 city blocks and hosts over 21 million people every year!
  • Stephanie is currently drawing inspiration from Arthur Jaffa’s Love is the Message and the Message is Death (which was also highlighted as inspirational work from a previous conversation with The High’s Randall Suffolk
  • In co-operation with 13 institutions from 7 different nations, this piece was live streamed over 48 hours and was seen by 17 million people!
  • Museums have a social justice role as artists help people see the world differently by helping people to understand the complexity and nuances of the world. It is important that museums pivot during important social moments.
  • The Smithsonian American Art Museum is re-installing their collection to tell a more inclusive American story 

As of the time of writing the next AGO from Home conversation has yet to be confirmed online. Make sure to check the website in a few day to register once this is announced (if you miss the conversations live, remember to check the Gallery’s youtube channel where these important conversations are eventually archived). You may also be interested in seeing Art in the Spotlight: The Montgomery Collection of Caribbean Photographs on Tuesday, July 7th at 4pm. Register by clicking here.

Be well & stay healthy,

Jonathan, Christine, Trish and Nicole