Dear Colleagues,
Following the advice and recommendations from public health officials, the Ontario government has developed a framework for re-opening the province and is beginning to plan when and how non-essential services like the AGO will progressively re-open to employees and the public. At the direction of Stephan, we have been asked to lead the AGO’s Re-opening Planning Team to ensure that we will be ready when provincial authorities give us the go-ahead.
The Re-opening Planning Team will develop a plan that includes when and how employees will return to work, the work required to be ready to open to the public and how we will welcome our audiences when we are open.
Members of the team include:
· Jessica Bright, Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
· Alain Graham, Manager, Employee Relations
· Herman Lo, Director, Visitor Experience
· Warren Wilson, Deputy Director, Facility Services
We will consult with additional colleagues and departments as required.
The team will use the following principles to guide us:
· We will follow the advice and direction of public health officials as the safety of employees, volunteers and visitors is our top priority
· The plans and procedures we develop must be flexible, agile & efficient
· We recognize that the plan does not have to be perfect, and that we will need to be able to pivot when required
We are looking forward to the day that we can put our plan in action. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
Mike & Christy
Michael Mahoney
Executive Director, Capital Special Projects and Operations
AGO – Art Gallery of Ontario
416-979-6660 x 288
Email: [email protected]