Ontario Volunteer Service Award Winner: Meet Jane Smith

How did you come to volunteer at the AGO? Kathy Lochnan, now retired AGO Senior Curator P&D, is an old friend and through her, I became interested in volunteering in P&D. Although I was an art historian with 43 years of teaching experience, I knew little about works on paper. I continue to learn!

What was your most memorable experience? I work in the P&D vault, so every day is exciting; one comes upon works that one has not seen before as we “pull them” for visitors or classes.

What do you do with your time when you are not at AGO? (or what did you do before you became an AGO volunteer?) I taught art history to all grades (5-12 & Teachers in training) at Canada’s National Ballet School from 1961 until retirement in 2004. I then became involved with the founding of the Toronto Summer Music Festival in 2005 and served on its Board. Stephen, my husband and I love European travel (often for opera) and otherwise try to keep up with 16 descendants who fortunately all live in the Toronto area. 

Is there a staff member who mentored your path? I cannot speak too highly of Brenda Rix who quietly encourages all volunteers to keep learning. We have just heard about her coming retirement; and the knowledge she has acquired over the last 40 years of service to the AGO, will be missed. Alexa Greist, Caroline Shields, Sophie Hackett and Julie Crooks are always available to us and are so generous with their time. We miss Sasha Suda, now Director of the National Gallery in Ottawa, but are thrilled by Adam Levine’s return to the department. We are an incredibly fortunate group of volunteers to have such close daily contact with our Curators. I must also mention the help I have had from Larry Pfaff and Marilyn Lazar when researching, The Grange and Donald Rance, when I need to find stuff!

Not enough volunteers realize how helpful the E.P.Taylor Library staff can be!

Thank you Jane, for your continued dedication to the AGO and our visitors