Ontario Volunteer Service Award Winner: Meet Adam Bovoletis

How did you come to volunteer at the AGO?
The AGO Youth Council was throwing an awesome party in Walker Court. At the time, I was feeling creatively stunted but at that party there was so much positivity and genuine excitement around creating fun art. It was exactly the energy I needed. And so, on the very next day (well, months later, but the story works better like this) I applied for the Youth Council and started to love art again!

What was your most memorable experience?
Ah jeez – we’ve done so many amazing projects with so many inspiring artists. My absolutely most memorable experience, I… would… say… was working on the project, This Mountain Loves You with artist Ani Castillo. We all wrote messages of self-love onto these large fabric panels, and then stitched them together to form a GIANT quilt that became the MOUNTAIN OF SELF-LOVE AND EMPOWERMENT! It can feel extremely vulnerable to communicate love for ourselves out loud, or even in our own heads. It feels especially vulnerable to do it in such a public way. But getting the chance to work on this project, every week felt therapeutic and affirming, and I’m glad that I got the opportunity to do it with my friends!

What do you do with your time when you are not at the AGO?

I love art again, so I organize a film festival with my friends called Insomniac Film Festival. It’s a space for young Toronto filmmakers to celebrate intelligent and risk-taking, low-budget/DIY filmmaking. I’m also writing for a sketch comedy show called TallBoyz. Catch us on CBC or on CBC Gem. I’m also always trying to make more music and movies. The last film I made was a short musical comedy about a town filled with competing cooks called, Cookstown: The Musical. (look it up on kickstarter) Oh, and I’m also learning how to become an expert cook. I probably won’t compete in anything, but I still aspire to be a Top Chef or at least a Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives cook.

Is there a staff who mentored your path?
Yes! I’d like to give a major shout out to Sarah Febbraro, Youth Council Coordinator, for being constantly supportive. Sarah cares so much about everyone on the Youth Council, and I hope she knows that we care just as much back! Thanks! Adam.

Thank you Adam for your continued dedication to the AGO and our visitors