New for You: AGO facebook group for volunteers

Good morning everyone,

Happy Monday! (as happy as can be) So many of you have been sharing interesting links with me during this extended time at home. I know you miss our community as much as I do, and though we can’t meet up in person, we can connect on Facebook via a new group, AGO volunteers

We’ve created this group for current AGO volunteers to share art links and support, a friendly hello and conversation, while we’re all self-quarantining during CO-VID 19. Here’s to keeping connected!

Note: official Gallery correspondence will not be posted here. This is a social-sharing group, created for AGO volunteers by Holly Procktor, Coordinator, Volunteers. Thank you to our Volunteer Council for the idea, and to Maya Kotlarenko, Volunteer President, and Melissa Smith & Nicole Ascroft, volunteer cooridnators for helping to test-run.

Here’s how to join:

Please note: you need your own Facebook account to join

Once you’re logged into your account, in the search bar, search for AGO volunteers:

Click on the + (plus sign) to join the group. When you do that, you will see this screen:

Click on “Join Group”

Once you’ve done that, you will see this screen:

A “Membership Pending” notice means your access to the group is pending administrators’ approval. (We’re approving all members to the group, so that we can ensure this is a private group, just for AGO volunteers). Your membership will be approved within 24 hours and you can start posting and connecting with other AGO volunteers. Have fun!