IMPORTANT CO-VID 19 precaution: Effective immediately, volunteers are asked not to report for duty

March 12, 2020

 A Message from the AGO Volunteer President

Dear Volunteers,

At the AGO, we have a “People First” mentality, and because of this, we’re taking extraordinary precautions due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation. We wanted to take a moment to let you know the proactive steps we’re taking to ensure our volunteers’ safety.

Beyond general hygiene such as frequent hand washing and not touching your face, social distancing is seen by public health authorities as a key method of reducing risk of transmission.

Effectively immediately, we are pausing all of our volunteer-based programming and asking volunteers across all placement types to not report for duty. This includes (but is not limited to) March Break volunteers, Gallery Guides, Information Guides, Library and Archives volunteers, Prints & Drawing volunteers, AGO Youth Council, Hands-On Centre & Family Sunday volunteers, and AGO Volunteer Recruiters.

The following events have also been postponed: 

  • Volunteers Connect (scheduled to have taken place March 24)
  • The Volunteer Annual Party (scheduled to have taken place April 20) 
  • National Volunteer Week programming (April 19 – 25)

We want to reiterate that our top priority remains the safety of our volunteers. These are unusual circumstances and unique times. As such, we’re evaluating our protocols as details continue to unfold and we learn more about COVID-19. Please be assured that we will continue to adapt our practices and update everyone at regular intervals. Thank you for your ongoing support and consideration as we work through this.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Can I still come to the AGO if I feel comfortable doing so?

As a visitor? Of course. If you are feeling well, and haven’t travelled to a country under a level 3 travel advisory, please follow the protocols suggested by Public Health.

2. How long with this last?

We can’t say as the situation is still unfolding, but we will provide updates as we have them via the AGO volunteer blog and direct email. We will continue to issue clear communication and keep you abreast. Please do not report for volunteer duty until you are asked to do so.

3. Where can I find more information?

The Ontario government has created an excellent online resource where you can find the latest information on COVID-19:

If you have additional questions, please reach out to your staff coordinator (the person who regularly communicates with you about your shift and activities).

You can also reach out to:

Holly Procktor, Coordinator, Volunteers ([email protected])

416 979 6660 ext. 6234

Many thanks for your understanding and support,

Maya Kotlarenko