After almost 13 years at the AGO, Shiralee Hudson Hill has left her position as Lead Interpretive Planner. Her last day at the Gallery was Tuesday, October 2.
Shiralee has worked on countless AGO projects during her time here, bringing her expertise to many high profile projects and exhibitions ranging from General Idea to Anthropocene, Alex Colville to Patti Smith, and Basquiat to Outsiders. She has also represented the AGO frequently at conferences and as a lecturer at OCADU.
In the mid-2000s when the Collection was being reinstalled after Transformation AGO, Shiralee played a significant role in developing the interpretive plan for the contemporary galleries. She continued this engagement with the collection as part of Look:Forward.
While next steps are determined, Nadia Abraham and Gillian McIntyre will both report to Heidi Reitmaier.
For any other questions or concerns, please contact Heidi Reitmaier, ext. 404.