Life Drawing Pop-Up FAQ

The Public Programs & Learning team has launched a pop-up drawing studio in Walker Court that will run through to January. Below is a list of frequently asked questions. The PP&L team would like your help in sharing this information.

What is happening in Walker Court?

From now through to January 4, the AGO has set up a drop-in drawing studio in Walker Court inspired by the Rubens exhibition. A tableau with chair, drapery and still life objects are set-up for all visitors to draw. Newsprint paper and pencils are provided. A box of additional paper is available for people to draw on at the donkeys or at the easels. Visitors may also sit at the chair for others to draw them. Visitors may stay as long as they like and all ages are welcome. As custodians of artworks in the galleries that surround us, we uphold conservation practices that ensure the utmost safety of both the artworks in our galleries and our visitors. Please refrain from using any other drawing supplies in this space.

Is there a live model?

During specific hours, there will be a live model in the space as well. The model will be in the space on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays from noon to 3 pm, and on Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 to 9 pm. The model is clothed and will provide a series of 10 to 15 minute poses.

Is there an instructor?

These are unfacilitated experiences – there is no instructor except on Sundays. Please encourage visitors to stay as little or as long as they like when the studio is present, apart from Sundays 2 to 5 pm. On Sundays starting in November, from 2 to 5 pm, there will be pre-registered workshops facilitated by an instructor. These workshops are open to ages 10+ and visitors can sign up online or at front desk. Visitors can reserve a spot for these Sunday workshops.

Is this free?

The pop up studio is free with admission Tuesday through Saturday. There is a registration fee for the Sunday workshop with an instructor.

I really like this – can I sign up for life drawing?

We offer life drawing classes for children, youth and adults. Classes run seasonally and you can sign up any time.

Who is leading this project?

The Public Programs and Learning team is leading this project. Gallery School Technicians will be escorting our models and replenishing paper and pencil supplies. The studio will stay up for the duration of the exhibition, and will be taken down and reinstalled should there be other events in the space.

If you have any questions, please contact Paola Poletto, Director, Engagement & Learning, at 416 979 6660 ext. 6361.