I started in 2008 as a Gallery Guide. Since 2013 I’ve been Lead Gallery Guide for the Wednesday evening shifts. I sat on the Volunteer Executive for two years as the Co-chair for Evening and Weekend Gallery Guides from 2013-15. I also participated in a Steering Committee of the VEC in 2014.
What is your background?
I attended the OCAD-General Studies program, where I studied: design, photography, painting, glass sculpture, film, video art, and art history.
What are your outside interests?
I enjoy photography, reading, playing piano, oil painting, and gardening.
What is your favourite work in the gallery?
I have two! Marchesa Casati, by Augustus John, and Wisdom of the Universe, by Christi Belcourt.
What is your favourite memory or moment at the gallery?
I love meeting and forming friendships with extraordinary women of exceptional character who work and volunteer at the AGO. Their passion for art, respect, dedication, and commitment to our volunteer community continue to inspire me.
My favourite moment was the day I realized altruism has the capacity to transform and enlighten the soul through volunteering and sharing the AGO art experience as a Gallery Guide.
Thanks Katherine! We’re inspired too!
Stay tuned for more profiles!