Gallery Guide: Clarice Thornton
When: June 14, 2019 at 1:30 pm
Where: Meet in Walker Court
Contrast in art can happen in any number of ways, generating for the artist the potential to explore many themes and visual effects. Good and evil, yin and yang, life and death, growth and decay – these are only some of the many contrasting ideas that require an artist to consider not only his/her subject, but also the elements of art such as colour, value, texture, space, line, shape and form.
As we examine various artworks throughout the gallery we will be discussing how artists manipulate the visual elements to emphasize contrast and illuminate their theme. We will also ask the question: What themes and ideas in today’s world would make a good subject for an artwork focused on contrast?
We will “go” with one of the ideas and develop a virtual abstract artwork on a provided iPad or your own iPad or smart phone using contrasting elements to express our idea.