In the coming weeks, all employees, volunteers, interns, contractors, and trustees will receive new two-sided I.D. badges with updated colour-coded graphics and new art-based lanyards featuring works from the AGO Collection.
As a sneak-peek, we’re happy to share the artworks that appear on your lanyards:
- Employees will now wear red badges and lanyards featuring Guido Molinari’s Mutation Serielle Verte-Rouge (1966).
- Volunteers will now wear orange badges and lanyard featuring Bertram Charles Binning’s Navigational Signals: First Version (1950) (Gift of Michael and Sonja Koerner).
- Interns will now wear light blue badges and lanyards featuring Nicholas Krushenick’s The Man in the Moon by Haydn (20th century).
- Contractors will now wear dark blue badges and lanyards featuring Mary Evelyn Wrinch’s Wychwood Blue Jay (c. 1930s).
- Trustees will now wear white badges and lanyards featuring Nicholas Krushenick’s Dokumenta Print (1968)
Note: Volunteers, we’re not holding anything back! When the new lanyards/badge stickers arrive, we’ll be distributing through your departmental coordinators. Hang tight!