This year’s NDS runs October 24-27 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., and is hosted by the Smithsonian’s Freer|Sackler Museums of Asian Art. For more details on the event, click here.
Exciting plans are being made by Symposium hosts and their team of docents from 16 museums across the City and Baltimore. Go to Symposium Registration now and start planning from the array of Workshops (Breakouts), Afternoon-Out Tours & great pre-tour choices. Plans are in the works so keep checking back. See the FAQ for helpful information.
(Please note that each institution can send up to four delegates in addition to any presenters or board members – more if room permits.)
You can find new articles from docents in the NDS Interchange Section on the NDSC home page. Find out more about the NDSC in their About Section