Reminder: Photo Days for new AGO volunteer and staff identification badges

We continue to put art first at the AGO with the introduction of new security badges and art-based lanyards that feature a detail from an artwork in the AGO Collection. Our security system is an important part of keeping our building, our people and our art safe. As we move to a new security system, everyone with an AGO security badge must have their photograph (re)taken at one of the upcoming photo days.

To accommodate a variety of employee and volunteer schedules, photographers will be available at various times and locations as listed below. Please look at the schedule and find a date that works for you to have your portrait (re)taken.

Please note: employees and volunteers who had their photo taken as part of the cancelled Town Hall on February 12, (we kept the photo studio open on that snowy day, and did see quite a few folks who managed to make it down to the gallery) will not have to retake their photo. Everyone else must have their photo retaken. 

Please keep your current badge when you visit for a photo-retake. We don’t have any more information available at this time regarding when new badges and lanyards will be distributed. We’ll keep you posted!

Thank you for your support!

Date Time Location
Friday, Mar. 15 6 pm – 8 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Saturday, Mar. 16 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Sunday, Mar. 17 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Tuesday, Mar. 19 11 am – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Wednesday, Mar. 20 10 am – 11 am Gallery Space outside P&D centre
Wednesday,  Mar. 20 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Wednesday,  Mar. 20 5 pm – 8 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Thursday,  Mar. 21 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Friday,  Mar. 22 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Friday,  Mar. 22 6 pm – 8 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Saturday,  Mar. 23 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Sunday,  Mar. 24 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Monday, Apr. 1 3 pm  – 6 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A
Tuesday, Apr. 2 9:30 am  – 11:30 am Baillie Court (Town Hall)
Saturday, Apr. 6 12 pm – 2 pm Volunteer Meeting Room A