A Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,


  • Welcome 2019! I hope everyone enjoyed a peaceful holiday season with family and loved ones. A special thanks to staff and volunteers who were here to greet visitors during the final busy weeks of the year. I look forward to all of us working together on amazing new initiatives and programs in the coming months.


  • Anthropocene ended on an incredibly high note – attendance was very strong during the holidays. Overall, we exceeded our attendance target for the exhibition by 9%. One interesting fact is that although single ticket buyers were slightly under budget, we far exceeded the number for school groups, which was more than double our estimate.


  • It is my responsibility to make sure you are all informed about AGO policies. A reminder that two new important policies are available on Dartboard and should be reviewed when you have a moment:


  • Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Reprisal and Violence Prevention Policy and;
  • Fitness for Duty Policy


Both of these policies were reviewed last year (including by legal counsel) and were recently approved by our Board of Trustees.


Enjoy the weekend,
