Hello Everyone,
• Please take a few moments away from your work stations if you can today to view the Look:Forward contemporary exhibition on the 4th floor and Impressionist-period posters on the main level. Thank you to everyone involved with these installations. Between the newly installed J.S. McLean Centre for Indigenous & Canadian Art, collection rotations and preparations in the Sam & Ayala Zacks Pavillion, it has been a very busy period for the Exhibitions, Design and LAS teams.
• I had dinner with some trustees on Wednesday evening at AGO Bistro and it was buzzing with members and other guests. The galleries were also busy with Wednesday night visitors who waited in a very LONG line-up to enter.
• Shout-out to all the PP&L staff, especially the counsellors and volunteers who have led amazing programs and kept all the AGO campers safe this summer. I will miss them when they head back to school!
Enjoy the weekend,