Hello Everyone,
- At Wednesday’s Town Hall, I provided high-level results of the 2018 Annual Employee Engagement Survey. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey – the participation rate was nearly 80%! The full report is available on Dartboard. It includes results of the Ethnic Identity question, which was part of the survey for the first time in order to gain a baseline understanding of AGO staff diversity.
- Also at Town Hall, Sophie Hackett presented on the upcoming exhibition, Anthropocene. I found this New Yorker article helpful to understand the genesis of the exhibition and thought I would share it with everyone.
- There are a couple of new installations on view, including drawings by Jessie Oonark in the Bovey Gallery. It’s part of all of our jobs to be familiar with what’s happening at the AGO. I encourage everyone to take a few moments and look at great art!
Enjoy the weekend,
Volunteers please note: You can access Dartboard via the computers in the volunteer lounge