Food & Beverage Goes Greener: Changes in cafeAGO

In a further effort to reduce waste in caféAGO, the Food & Beverage team begins a pilot project on August 1 through mid-September to eliminate prepackaged food for sale.

This project will introduce a menu of sandwiches and other food items to be ordered and prepared fresh in the café. Take-out containers will be available upon request only.

This initiative – along with the water bottle filling station introduced last month – will reduce the café’s garbage by saving 192 pounds of disposable plastic during the 6-week pilot project alone.

Other green activities that the AGO has initiated include Light Shedding (automatic light shutdowns), a major transition to LED lights in the galleries, eco-friendly cleaning products and more.

If you have questions, please contact Carlos Mera, General Manager, Food & Beverage, 416 979 6660 ext. 208.