The second Friday of every month, one of P&D’s knowledgeable volunteers will give a talk that explores an area of the AGO’s P&D Collection.
This month we look forward to another inspiring presentation by Phyllis Couzin, who just received a 20-year pin for her volunteer work at the AGO!
The monthly P&D talk on Friday, June 8, will focus on engravings and woodcuts by Albrecht Durer, born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1471. While Durer regarded himself as a painter, it was primarily through his more lucrative work in engraving and woodcut that his influence and fame became widespread in Europe. The talk will focus on a number of his most famous graphic works. We will also look at how the social and economic structure of Nuremberg influenced his choice of medium, the impact of his two visits to Venice, and his innovative techniques.
Join us in the P&D Study Centre
Date: Friday, June 8
Speaker: Phyllis Couzin
Time: 11:00am (arrive at 10:30 to view works on display!)
(Please note: Attendance at P&D talks can reach full capacity in the Study Centre. Volunteers, please keep in mind that seating is given to our visitors first.)
-Cara-Lynn Nisenbaum