Hello everyone,
- There is a fascinating installation of recent acquisitions by Ron Terada opening later today in the Signy Eaton Gallery. Terada basically paints a full chapter from a book written by the artist Jack Goldstein (who also has a painting on view). I encourage you to find a few minutes to “read” the story – it’s all about the art world and dealers and collectors. Both the Terada and Goldstein paintings came to us through local collectors; the Terada series was purchased with the assistance of trustee Eleanor Shen and her husband Francis.
- I had a good conversation with Keri Ryan, Audrey Hudson and Julie Crooks this morning about some tangible next steps we can take regarding diversity and inclusion. We will work on putting together a small working committee with representation from across the museum and help facilitate a series of 6 sessions for staff and volunteers over the next year related to this topic. Stay tuned for more initiatives.
- Earlier this week, I attended the Association of Art Museum Directors’ conference in Minneapolis. About 150 museum directors from the US, Mexico and Canada gather two times a year to discuss important issues. Among the topics were the #metoo movement, political polarization and case studies of how museums are engaging new audiences.
- We’re in the final stretch of Kusama! This is an exhibition that will be remembered for generations! Today more than 900 people tried to join the line…here is a view looking south down Beverly Street.