P&D Monthly Talk for March: Resplendent Anarchy: Riopelle’s Quiet Revolution


Talk by: Mary Kirby
Date: Friday, March 9
Time: 11 am (arrive at 10:30 to view works on display!)

This Friday Talk will look at Jean Paul Riopelle & the Automatistes, Quebec’s post-war avant garde movement, as forerunners to Quebec Separatism in contrast to American Action Painting of the same period.

Enjoy behind-the-scenes tours and see your favourite prints, drawings, watercolours and photographs. The second Friday of every month, one of P&D’s knowledgeable volunteers will give a talk that explores an area of the AGO’s Prints & Drawings Collection.

Please note: Attendance at P&D talks can reach full capacity in the Study Centre. Volunteers, please keep in mind that seating is given to our visitors first