Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • 2017 was a tremendous year at the AGO – from Look:Forward to Francis Alÿs: A Story of Negotiation to Mystical Landscapes to Georgia O’Keeffe to Every. Now. Then. to Free Black North to GDT… there was no shortage of amazing exhibition and programming activity. THANK YOU everyone for your contributions to our shared success, and for your commitment to art, access and learning. We are better and stronger as a team, not as individuals, and thanks to you, the AGO is on a solid path forward.
  • Things will be bustling at the Gallery next week. We expect lots of families and visitors, especially during the final days of At Home with Monsters. Thank you very much to those who will be here holding the fort during this busy period.
  • Here we come, 2018! I am excited about the year ahead. I appreciate the work that everyone is doing to prepare for Kusama. It will be a crazy but exhilarating time for all of us.
  • Finally – my very best holiday wishes to all of you, with deep gratitude for the work you do every day. Please enjoy a safe festive season with family and loved ones. See you on January 2nd! Be kind.
