Weeky Message from Our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • I arrived back at the AGO from my vacation on Wednesday – just in time to view newly installed Impressionist works in the Richard Barry Fudger Memorial Gallery and Group of Seven and other Canadian works in the Fudger Rotunda.


  • Yesterday I walked through the J.S. McLean Centre of Canadian Art with Wanda Nanibush, Christy Thompson and Iain Hoadley to talk about reinstallation plans scheduled for the spring. In addition to new art, there will be some architectural changes that will make the spaces more consistent with the Thomson Canadian Collection. As a whole, the Canadian reinstallation is a very big project.


  • Tomorrow I will be attending the grand opening of an art exhibition at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto in Scarborough. In case you are interested, it is free and open to the public: http://150artconnect.ca/. The growth of the South Asian and Chinese communities in Toronto during the past 20 years is significant. I am very interested – both personally and professionally – in finding ways to get to know these communities better.

Enjoy the weekend,
