Hello Everyone,
It’s with regret that I announce that after three and a half years, Judy Koke has resigned as Chief, Public Programming & Learning. Judy has decided to take some personal time to recharge her batteries, find some work-life balance and discover the next chapter in her career. I will miss her thoughtful and principled counsel, always focused on our core mission of art, access and learning.
Judy’s passion and commitment to educational programming, interpretation and community engagement is reflected in everything she does. Deeply respected in her field, she is renowned in North America for her expertise, which she generously shares with students, peers and colleagues through her teaching, speaking engagements and publications.
At the AGO, she profoundly cared about the visitor experience. Some of her recent accomplishments include:
- Initiating and co-leading the development of a diversity & inclusion strategy that will guide us as we work towards reflecting the diversity of our city.
- The integration of our Library & Archives into Public Programming & Learning, working to infuse great energy and transparency into what was once a closed library space.
- Critical audience research that will inform our next strategic plan and 10 year vision for our future.
- The growth of public programming, including successful partnerships with other leading cultural organizations that help establish us as a cultural partner of choice.
While we search for Judy’s replacement, Keri Ryan will take on the role of Acting Head, Public Programming & Learning, reporting to me. She will join Leadership Team.
Reporting to Keri will be:
- Sean O’Neill, Director, Public Programs & Cultural Partnerships. As Sean is going on a one year leave of absence, we will be hiring a temporary replacement. His replacement will report to Keri.
- Audrey Hudson, Assistant Manager, School and Teacher Programs
- Paola Poletto, Manager, Studio & Group Learning, Shiralee Hudson Hill, Lead Interpretative Planner, Gillian McIntyre, Interpretative Planner, Audience Researcher Analyst Madeleine Adamson and Melissa Smith, Coordinator, Gallery Guides, will continue to report to Keri.
Amy Furness, Rosamond Ivey Special Archivist & Head, Library & Archives, will temporarily report to Erin Prendergast, Chief of Staff. Jim Shedden, Manager, Publishing, will also report to Erin until Julian Cox, our new Deputy Director & Chief Curator, starts at the AGO in January.
I would like to thank Judy for her commitment to the AGO and wish her well as she embarks upon her next adventure.