What’s happening?
- We’re excited to launch the fourth annual staff and volunteer AGO Gives Back holiday drive!
- This year, we will be supporting one of our neighbours, Ronald McDonald House (RMHC) and will be collecting art supplies to create children’s craft bags. RMHC provides families of sick children with a home to stay at while their child is being treated at a nearby hospital.
- On December 13 from 9:30 to 10:30am, we will host a special holiday edition of Coffee & Conversations, where you can drop off your donation and enjoy some festive Holiday treats.
How can I donate?
- You can drop off an item in one of the designated AGO Gives Back boxes in the staff or volunteer lounges or at the event on December 13. (Volunteers – while we await our box to appear in the lounge, feel free to drop off your donations with Holly Procktor or Nicole Foti in SVR).
What types of items can I donate?
- RMHC is in need of art supplies including: hot glue, white glue (individual bottles), glue sticks, scissors, scrapbooking materials (stickers, cut-outs, fancy paper, etc.), cardstock paper, washable paint, 8×10 canvases, watercolour paper (size 8.5 x11 or 11 by 17), drawing paper, erasable gel pens, Sharpie water-based paint markers, oil pastels, pencil crayons, washable tempera paint, paint palettes, quality paint brushes and graphite pencil sets.
- Bring a lot or a little – it all helps!
Hope to see you there!
Mina Bines
Manager, Communications