Hello Everyone,
- On Monday, we celebrated the 200th anniversary of The Grange with long-time supporters of the AGO. Did you know that 6,000 people have been members for 20+ years? Also, I met a woman who has been a volunteer at the AGO since 1949. Our challenge is to maintain these long-term relationships and at the same time, cultivate new ones for future support.
- Congratulations to Lauri Green (Interim Head, SVR) and her new position at the Treasury Board. I admit I have mixed emotions about her leaving the AGO – she’s done incredible work here in a relatively short period but I’m happy she’s found her dream job as a labour negotiator.
- Art Toronto kicked off last night. The opening event is a benefit that raises $500,000 in support of the AGO. The energy was great, and we purchased 4 works for the Gallery including Tim Pitsiulak’s Swimming Bear, 2016 – see pic below.
I am on vacation next week with my family, returning to the AGO Nov. 8th. Best wishes to everyone, see you soon.