As many of you have no-doubt already noted, your current volunteer badge reads an expiry date of November 1, 2017.
Never fear, volunteers! Your badge will still work tomorrow – our Security Team has been updating volunteer access, behind-the-scenes.
New faceplate-stickers are currently being prepared by our Security friends, but they’re not ready just yet.
When the new faceplate-stickers arrive, (listing an updated expiry of November 1, 2018), we’ll distribute through your volunteer coordinators.
Until then, please use your current badge – you should have no access issues. If by chance you do experience an access issue, just see Holly Procktor or Nicole Foti in Staff & Volunteer Resources, and we’ll get that fixed for you. We always have a few badges that are finicky, with no rhyme or reason (among the 400+ we have reprinted each year).
Thank you for your patience!
–Volunteer Resources