Hello Everyone,
- It’s been a very busy summer at the AGO. I hope some of you can take a “breather” this long weekend. To many others who work at the museum on weekends and holidays – thank you!
- Yesterday, Andrew Hunter provided a tour of Every. Now. Then. to Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde. Below is a picture with Andrew, ENT co-curator Anique Jordan, Canadian Art Working Committee member Kevin Hearn, and Perry’s partner Valerie Galley.
- I’m about to go FAN EXPO CANADA – in part cause our marketing, visitor services/membership and retail teams are participating to generate interest in GDT. I can’t wait to see the booth and get my picture taken with a del Toro monster. I’ve walked through the exhibition design several times now, and it’s a “WOW!” Sometimes more really is more…. I’m going to FAN EXPO to better understand a culture that I’m not an expert in (I grew up without a TV and saw my first movie at 16!)