Complimentary Tickets for Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters


Staff, volunteers and interns will two free passes to the upcoming exhibition Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters, which opens this Saturday, September 30.

Volunteer Resources has distributed passes to volunteer coordinators – so, please see your coordinator if you are still looking for yours! Passes expire December 24. A friendly reminder – you don’t need a pass to visit the show, simply show your volunteer badge at exhibition entry. This has been a busy week for visits, so please be mindful of our visitors, and don’t jump the line.

You are also invited to share a 35% discount e-coupon with your friends and family. We have sent this coupon electronically, but if you would prefer a paper copy, please pick one up in the volunteer lounge, or see Holly Procktor or Nicole Foti in SVR.

We hope you enjoy the exhibition!