Prints & Drawings Talk for July: The Prints of David Blackwood


Fire Down on the Labrador, 1980

This month P&D presents: The Prints of David Blackwood

Volunteer Phyllis Couzin will be speaking about the epic visual narratives of Newfoundland artist David Blackwood.  Focusing on half a dozen iconic works from the 2011 Black Ice exhibit, Phyllis will discus how Blackwood has spent his artistic life creating a pictoral history of a Newfoundland that no longer exists.

Talk by: Phyllis Couzin
Date: Friday July 14, 2017
Time: 11 am (arrive at 10:30 to view works on display!)

Enjoy behind-the-scenes tours and see your favourite prints, drawings, watercolours and photographs. The second Friday of every month, one of P&D’s knowledgeable volunteers will give a talk that explores an area of the AGO’s Prints & Drawings Collection.