Adelina Vlas, Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, overseeing the installation of the Lawrence Weiner work. Photo by Malene Hjorngaard, who facilitated the production and installation of this monumental graphic piece.
Throughout the Look:Forward project we’ll be keeping you in the loop with regular updates so you know when galleries are closing and re-opening.
Now Open:
- South Entrance: Installation is now complete, featuring work by Laurel Woodcock, Lawrence Weiner, Günther Förg, and Emile Antoine Bourdelle.
- Jackman Gallery (238): Features works with an augmented reality twist. Stop by to check out the digital intervention by artist Alex Mayhew.
- Fudger Gallery (125) : Features an incredible array of paintings from Europe made in the 1800s, as curated by Caroline Shields. Finishing touches continue,and sculpture by Gauguin and Rodin will be added to the mix soon.
Now Closed:
- FP Wood Gallery (123): Remains closed for space preparations.
- Gallery 141 and Fodor (140): Rremain closed for space preparations. A pathway will be maintained to P&D Centre, Chalmers Elevator and washrooms. Visitor Services has created additional signage to assist our patrons with routing.
- Laidlaw Gallery (119): Will be cleared of artwork this week, and space preparations will commence later in July.
All dates are for internal use only and are subject to change.