Celebrate this Canada Day with some new Canadian art! Timeraiser150 is a Canada 150 Signature Project supporting emerging Canadian artists and nonprofit organizations. Online150 (the virtual equivalent of Timeraiser150) allows Canadians from coast to coast can purchase art by volunteering their time with a nonprofit organization in their local community. Artists are paid for their work, nonprofits find skilled volunteers, Canadians find meaningful volunteer opportunities.
Timeraiser’s Framework organization is a charity created in 2003 to connect awesome nonprofit organizations with young, talented professionals who want to volunteer their time. Through Timeraiser150 and Online150, Framework aims to collectively raise more than 150,000 volunteer hours for nonprofits across Canada in 2017, connecting Canadians to their communities and the causes they care about.
While Toronto’s in-person event has passed, you can still get involved in the online event, coming in July. See timeraiser.ca/online150 for more details. Thanks to P&D volunteer Cara-Lyn Nisenbaum for passing along this great opportunity!