Weekly message from the Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • The new photography installation is up in the Edmond G. Odette Family Gallery. Please take a moment to visit the space. This was a huge effort on the part of Sophie Hackett in addition to many others, including Logistics & Art Services staff: Brian Davis, Doug Moore, Tina Giovinazzo, Jelena Sisko, Jason Laudadio, and Ben Oakley. Given the tight deadline, I appreciate everyone’s focus.
  • I had some good discussions this week with marketing and exhibitions staff about Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters. I believe that this show presents us with an opportunity to do things differently – create a buzz with new audiences, take some risks and go “big” given the immersive experience the show provides. We should have some fun with it.  I’m confident we’ll create something very special for our audiences.

    Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters installed at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)

    Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters installed at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)

  • Congratulations to Anique Jordan who won the Toronto Arts Foundation Award for Emerging Artist! Anique is working closely with Andrew Hunter and others on Now. Then: Reframing Nationhood.
  • I’m heading off to the Association of Art Museum Directors’ conference in Seattle this weekend. Once again, I am looking for good ideas to steal! I’ll be back at the Gallery on Wednesday.

Enjoy the weekend,
