P&D hosts AGO Volunteer Alumni Tea


On April 27, during National Volunteer Week, the AGO Prints and Drawings department hosted the annual Alumni Tea for about 17 returning volunteers. Scones, muffins, tea and coffee were provided while the group of long-time friends were told about exciting changes occurring within the P&D area by Sasha Suda (Curator & R. Fraser Elliott Chair, Print & Drawing Council) and Brenda Rix (Manager, Print & Drawing Study Centre) .


Additionally, P&D volunteer Phyllis Couzin  gave a talk entitled “Views of Rome”.  A number of drawings were brought out of the vault, which Phyllis expertly used to illustrate the significance of drawing during the age of the Grand Tour (the traditional trip of Europe undertaken by upper class young men and women when they had come of age).

Many thanks to P&D volunteers Jane Smith, Elizabeth Kohl,  and Edith Layne for making alumni feel comfortable and welcome, as well as to Alumni Chair Moyra Haney for helping organize.