Artful Conversation for June: The Amazing Half Century


What: The Amazing Half Century

This month’s tour looks at the “Amazing Half Century” represented by the works in the newly rehung Modern galleries, most of which fall between 1905 and the late 1950s.  The tour will concentrate on the depiction of women, with pieces by Matisse, Kees van Dongen, Augustus John, Modigliani, Picasso, Leger, and the lovely Germaine Richier sculpture.  If time permits, Fran will address some of the post-Cubism works.

When: Friday, June 9 – Meet at 1:30 in Walker Court

Gallery Guide: Fran Bleviss

Taking place the 2nd Friday of each month, Artful Conversation is a monthly offering open to all visitors that takes a deeper look at a chosen theme and involves a tour followed by a conversational component.  For more info contact Melissa Smith at [email protected].