Congratulations to our 2017 Ontario Volunteer Service Award Winners!

Meghan Gellatly Youth, Michele Abrams 20yr (Information Guide/Grange) Shelagh Barrington, Volunteer President, Linda Tyrrell 35yr (Information Guide/Grange) Vanessa Lameche, 5yr Library. Pat Munson, 5yr Prints & Drawing, (absent Phyllis Couzin, Volunteer Leadership and Felicia Cohen, 5 yr Gallery Guide)

Meghan Gellatly (Youth), Michele Abrams (Info Guide/Grange) Shelagh Barrington (Volunteer President), Linda Tyrrell (Info Guide/Grange) Vanessa Lameche  (Library), Pat Munson  (Prints & Drawings) – (absent: Phyllis Couzin (Volunteer Leadership) and Felicia Cohen (Gallery Guide))

Each year the Ontario government honours hundreds of volunteers from across the province, including several from the AGO.  On April 20, local volunteers were celebrated at an event at the Arcadian Court, which  featured a well-orchestrated ceremony with enthusiastic speakers congratulating the Toronto area recipients, followed by a tasty dessert reception on the 9th floor balcony.

While the awards are loosely based on years of service (minimum 5 years for adults, 2 years for youth), each institution selects a handful who have gone above and beyond.  The AGO volunteers represent both new and old volunteers from several departments and have found unique ways to enhance visitor experience and support their fellow volunteers.  This year we honour:

Linda Tyrell, Info Guide (35 years)
Michelle Abrams, Info Guide and former Community Outreach Chair  (20 years)
Phyllis Couzin, Prints & Drawings and past Volunteer President (15 years)
Felicia Cohen, Daytime GG (5 years)
Vanessa Lameche, Library (5 years)
Pat Munson, Prints & Drawings  (5 years)
Megan Gelati,  Youth (2 years)

Congratulations everyone! We plan to feature profiles of our winners over the next few weeks so you can get to know some of the great people we work alongside!