Weekly Message from our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • Back at the AGO this week, I am very pleased with the progress of Look:Forward. The installation in Eaton/Gelber/Elliott is strong – thank you to Kenneth Brummel and the exhibitions team for your thoughtful planning and attention to detail. The galleries are exquisite. They open to the public on Saturday.
  • Things are also starting to take shape around Walker Court. The casework looks great and it is exciting to see Inuit sculptures being installed. The art completely transforms the space. The newly installed Walker Court opens to the public on April 1. Kudos to Andrew Hunter, and also to Georgiana Uhlyarik, who worked on the installation in the R. Samuel McLaughlin Gallery, as well as all exhibitions staff involved.
  • Budget update: I want to acknowledge everyone’s hard work on planning the 2017/18 budget. To carve up a $60M pie and end up with enough to go around is not easy. I appreciate everyone’s focus – including Leadership Team – on getting us where we need to be: a balanced position. We are almost there but have a ways to go.

Enjoy the first weekend of spring,
