Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • I am pleased that OPSEU ratified a new agreement this week. I have to say, I am impressed by how everyone came together to achieve a deal. Thank you to all. Yes, there’s still lots of work to do to help us move our mission forward – and we’re all a part of making this happen.
  • A shout-out to Kent Monkman’s Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience at the Art Museum at the University of Toronto, which I saw this week. Kent provided a tour. It is an important exhibition and I encourage you to see it.
  • Only 2 more days to go before Mystical Landscapes closes on Feb. 12th. If you haven’t viewed it yet, now’s the time. The show was a huge success. Thank you to all staff members and volunteers – and in particular, curator Kathy Lochnan – who put much time and effort into ensuring a special experience for our visitors.
  • I’ll speaking at Town Hall next week about Look:Forward. Please, if anyone has questions, feel free to ask!

See you next week,
