AGO Gives Back


The third annual staff and volunteer AGO Gives Back holiday drive launched this week with an art supply drive, which will run to December 16 when teams across the Gallery will compete in a Gingerbread Create-a-Thon.

Art Supply Drive

  • From December 5 to 16, we will be collecting supplies for SKETCH, a community-arts-development initiative based in Toronto that engages street-involved youth (ages 16-29) through the arts. We partnered with SKETCH in 2014 and we’re excited to work with them again as they celebrate their 20th year.
  • You can drop off an item in one of the designated AGO Gives Back boxes in the staff or volunteer lounges (check the red board for other drop-off locations) or donate supplies at the AGO Gives Back event on December 16.
  • SKETCH is in need of art supplies including: paints, paper, canvas, plain t-shirts (various sizes), paintbrushes, wood panels, light boxes, pens/sharpies, water colour pencil crayons, markers, screen printing supplies, cutting mats, sketchbooks and easels.

Gingerbread Create-a-Thon

  • On Friday December 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. in WFLC Seminar Room #3, we will be holding our annual AGO Gives Back event, featuring the second annual Gingerbread Create-a-thon. We’ll also have treats
  • Sign up now to join the competition on December 16 as we get creative with gingerbread!
  • Each team of up to 7 members will have one hour to make a gingerbread creation with the supplies provided. Similar to last year judges will award the top teams. Come on out and cheer on your staff & volunteer colleagues!

See you there!