Weekly Message from our Director & CEO

Hello Everyone,

  • We opened Francis Alÿs this week. The installation is stunning and includes superb technology. Thank you everyone, especially those involved with the installation – it was a race to the finish line!
  • According to Rocco’s preliminary assessment of the mid-year financial review, we are projecting a balanced budget for the end of the year. It will be very tight, we are not flush. This is an improvement over our position at the end of October. Mystical Landscapes is attracting higher attendance than anticipated, and many of you identified targeted expense savings – thank you! Please remain diligent about expense savings.
  • Tonight, I will be attending the Anthony Caro roundtable discussion in Dr. Anne Tanenbaum Gallery School. I am a big fan of sculpture and Caro was one of the most important sculptors of the late 20th century. Shout outs to Kenneth, David, Iain and Jessica, and everyone involved.

Enjoy the weekend – I hear snow is on the way for Sunday!
