The Volunteer Executive Committee (VEC) welcomed four new members this spring. We’ll be profiling them over the next few weeks so you can get to know the people who are representing you. We’ve asked them each a few questions about themselves. This week we hear from Marthe Yolleck, Daytime GG Representative.
What brought me to the AGO as a volunteer?
My love and appreciation of art. I graduated from the Ontario College of Art in the Communications and Design Department. I have had a 30 year career as a designer and artist. I am also a partner in my own communications company. I applied online to become a Gallery Guide because I knew about volunteering, as I have been a AGO member for 20 years. But a fellow Gallery Guide recommended me to the Human Resources Department.
What area do you volunteer in and for how long?
I have been volunteering as a Daytime Gallery Guide in the Adult Education Program for the last seven years.
What is the part you like best about being a volunteer at the AGO?
I enjoy learning about art and I like engaging with visitors in our gallery spaces.
Why did you want to join the Volunteer Executive?
I wanted to understand the process of the executive committee and be a part of it.
Thanks Marthe! Stay tuned for more profiles!