Save the date for Take Our Kids to Work Day on Wednesday, November 2, at the AGO. Your colleagues in Staff & Volunteer Resources are excited to offer an interactive program for students to get to know our AGO.
An annual national program where Grade 9 students are hosted by parents, friends, relatives and volunteers at workplaces across the country, Take Our Kids to Work Day supports career development by helping students connect school to the workforce, and to their own futures.
If you would like to bring your Grade 9 student to work/volunteer with you on Wednesday November 2, please contact Kathleen Ginson in Staff & Volunteer Resources (ext. 241) by Monday, October 17. This opportunity is open to staff and volunteers to bring any grade 9 (daughter/son, niece/nephew, granchildren, friends!)
A more detailed summary of the day’s events, including drop-off/pick-up points and a confirmed schedule, will be shared in the coming weeks.
We’ve got some behind-the-scenes tours planned. Our goal is to get the kids in the gallery spaces, and out of the classroom environment.