Hello Everyone,
Grange Park is on track and we all will be amazed at how wonderful it is. Earlier this week, I took a donor on a tour of the park. We walked through the grove, the off-leash dog area, and the children’s playground. Every time I’m on-site I get more excited about how great the park will be.
- I spoke at the managers’ meeting on Tuesday and reinforced institutional values of art, access, learning. All of our decisions must be based on these values; if they are, we’ll get most things right. We all need to work to shift our culture so it becomes less difficult to get things done here at the AGO. I have made it clear to the Leadership Team but I know all managers, and really all staff, need to work towards this goal.
- The staff and volunteer barbeque was great! Special thanks to Kevin Gilmour, Events Cook, for preparing the delicious food; and to Logan Ramalingam, Kitchen Maintenance Coordinator, for making sure the grills and freezer for the ice cream were working well. (See this pic of me and Lisa Clements along with Logan and Kevin).
- I have been meeting with numerous collectors lately. With the board’s support and input, I am thinking about ways to enhance our curatorial committee structure so that our acquisitions are guided by a unified strategy. This will give collectors confidence in entrusting their works to us.
- Next week, I will be speaking at the All Staff & Volunteer Town Hall. Please ask me questions! You can write them ahead of time if you’d like, just email[email protected]
See you next week,