AGO Nuit Blanche – Art Project Needs Your Old Timepieces

vintage watch










Nuit Blanche is looking for old analog watches to become part of an installation at this year’s event.

The piece – the ‘Museum’ of stopped personal analog timepieces – will function as a working digital public clock, counting down the 12 hours of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2016. A large case will display 720 crowd-sourced watches, each stopped at a different minute. The final piece will be on display near the AGO’s piece during Nuit Blanche.
They need:
·     Wind-up or battery-powered analog watches
·     Must have the hour and minute hands
·     Can be broken, not running, and have cracked or missing faces
They cannot use:
·     Digital (LCD/LED) watches
·     Pendant watches
·     Belt clip watches
·     Automatic/self-winding watches
·     Watches with missing hands
If you have watches you’d like to donate, please bring them to the designated donation box in the Staff Lounge.
·     Put your watch in one of the small bags in the donation box
·     If you would like to be notified about the time that your watch will be set to in the installation, write your email address on the bag label (please print clearly)
·     Artists will try to leave the watches set to the time they display when they receive them
NOTE: Watches will become part of the artwork so will not be returned.  Thank you for helping us bring this project to life!