Exiting the elevators at the fifth floor, volunteers may have encountered a work by Toronto-based artist Micah Lexier, entitled A work of art in the form of a quantity of coins equal to the number of months of the statistical life expectancy of a child born January 6, 1995. It features two cash boxed filled with a series of numbered coins; each month a coin is transferred from one cash box to the other, signifying the passage of time. But did you know that you can volunteer to be the one to transfer the coin?
Info Guide Chloe Wittes, a big Lexier fan, contacted the contemporary assistant curator and got herself on the roster. She performed her duty on Friday, February 5 (February 6 falling on a Saturday, the transfer date was moved up a day), which coincided with her shift. Curatorial assistant Jon Davies dutifully appeared at 11.45 am to pm to unlock the window to the work and let Chloe handle the coin. No gloves were involved – the artist wishes to incorporate each person’s fingerprints into the work. GG Anne Fleming hosted an On the Dot discussion with several enthusiastic visitors right before the transfer – there was a lively discussion of the meaning of the work, the choice of media, and the juxtaposition of the orderly rows of unused coins versus the unruly pile of spent ones.
For those volunteers who would like to take part in a future transfer, you can contact the Contemporary department at 416-979-6660 ext. 306. The opportunity is open to the general public, though the next several months are already booked up. Further info at http://artmatters.ca/wp/2015/12/micahlexier/
Do you have an interesting art encounter to share? Let us know at [email protected].